Volume 14 (1)

William James Studies

Spring 2018 • VOLUME 14 • Number 1


Front Matter  (PDF)

William James and Well-Being: The Philosophy, Psychology,                 1
and Culture of Human Flourishing (2017 Presidential Address)
James O. Pawelski (PDF)

Embodied Akrasia: James on Motivation and Weakness of Will        26
(2017 WJS Young Scholar Prize)
Kyle Bromhall (PDF)

An Inchoate Universe: James’s Probabilistic Underdeterminism     55
Kyle Bromhall   (PDF)                                                                  


Introduction                                                                                                                       84
Alexander Livingston (PDF)

“The Moral Equivalent of War”:  William James’s Minor                        92 Variation on Common Themes
Marilyn Fischer (PDF)

 Civic Renewal: James’s Moral Equivalent of War                                   120
Trygve Throntveit (PDF)

William James’s Psychological Prelude to Politics: What Place      142
for Moral Equivalents in American Polarization on the Potomac
and the Jordan?
Paul Croce (PDF)


Pragmatism as a Way of Life.                                                                                    177
By Hilary and Ruth Anna Putnam.
Review by Giovanni Maddalena (PDF)

William James, Pragmatism, and American Culture.                                    185
By Deborah Whitehead
Review by Abigail Modaff (PDF)

Visionary Pragmatism: Radical & Ecological Democracy                            192
in Neoliberal Times.
By Romand Coles.
Notes by Ani Chen (PDF)

Evolutionary Pragmatism and Ethics.                                                                   195
By Beth L. Eddy
Notes by Guido K. Tamponi (PDF)


Related Scholarly Publications: November 2017 – May 2018        199

Complete Issue (PDF)







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