Submission Information

Manuscript Submission Information

    1. The journal accepts only completed manuscripts and only those that are not concurrently under review by another journal or other publication
    2. All submissions must be suitable for an interdisciplinary audience. As such, they must be clear and jargon free while retaining their academic rigor.
    3. All submissions must be sent electronically. Papers must be Microsoft Word documents and attached to an email sent to  
    4. WJS prefers that references to James’s writings be to The Works of William James, 20 vols. (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 1975-1988) and The Correspondence of William James, 12 vols. (Charlottesville and London: The University of Virginia Press, 1992-2004).
  1. Manuscripts should be double spaced and no longer than 8,000 words, including references. On questions of style and documentation, each manuscript must be consistent with The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). Manuscripts must be accompanied by full endnotes and bibliography (no footnotes).
  2. All manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract (no longer than 150 words).
  3. Because unsolicited manuscripts are blind reviewed, each must include a separate title page listing the title of the paper, the author’s name, institutional affiliation, word count and current contact information (mailing address, email address, and phone number). There should also be no references in the paper or endnotes that compromise the anonymity of the author.
  4. Although we try to provide a quick turnaround, authors can expect a decision regarding their submission within four months.
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