William James Studies offers provocative new scholarship on the life, work, and influence of William James. This issue features essays by Randy Friedman, Amy Kittelstrom, Joel Krueger, and Ruth Anna Putnam focusing on religion, morality, pragmatism, and consciousness; and on James’s influence on John Dewey and Japanese philosopher Kitaro Nishida. In addition, we present two addresses by past presidents of the William James Society, delivered at annual meetings of the American Philosophical Association: Linda Simon’s “Wild Facts in Context” and Charlene Haddock Seigfried’s response to a panel of scholars—John Capps, Megan Mustain, David Perley, and Richard Shusterman—reassessing Seigfried’s William James’s Radical Reconstruction of Philosophy. Future issues of the journal will contain addresses by former presidents John McDermott and William Gavin. |
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Inaugurating this publication has been both complicated and deeply satisfying. We are grateful to the University of Illinois Press for agreeing to house the journal, and especially to Paul Arroyo, who has worked closely with us to design and plan the first issue. We greatly appreciate the support and responses of our distinguished Editorial Board and of many other scholars, as well, for their willingness to review submissions and their timely return of comments. And we are thankful, too, to those who submitted essays for this and future issues. The quality of these submissions has been impressive, and we hope you find these essays as significant and compelling as we do. We look forward to receiving essays for future issues.
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